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Sweethearts & Heroes

On November 13, Tom Murphy and Rick Yarosh from Sweethearts & Heroes visited Remsen Elementary School to speak with students in grades K through 12. The morning consisted of two assemblies, the first for students in grades K through 2 and the second for students in grades 3 through 6. Murphy and Yarosh captivated students with high-energy, engaging presentations focused on bullying and how each student can use their "superpowers" to help others and fight against bullying. Students in the elementary school were taught the ABCs of standing up against bullying. They were taught to help move someone that is being bullied away from the situation, to be a buddy to the student being bullied, and finally to confront bullying by saying no and by getting an adult to help resolve the issue. Following the grades 3 through 6 assembly, our fifth and sixth grade students had the opportunity to spend some time with Murphy and Yarosh asking questions and discussing the Sweethearts & Heroes message a bit further.

The afternoon was reserved for junior and senior high students. Murphy and Yarosh delivered a similar message to our older students in a deeper and more age appropriate way, challenging students to see the reality of bullying and the effects that it can have on students. Through powerful stories and fun role-playing activities, our junior and senior high students discussed bullying and suicide and learned practical ways that they can be instrumental in the fight against both.

After presenting to students, Murphy stayed after school for a special staff presentation. He spoke with teachers, tying the elementary message to the Jr./Sr. high message. The statistics and research around bullying and the suicide rate were discussed with staff. Staff members were given the opportunity to ask questions and Murphy discussed the importance of teaching students, and practicing with them, how they can recognize and fight against bullying at a young age so that that message and mindset follows them as they grow.

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students take photo with presenterpresenter speaks to students