• Welcome to Mrs. Dening's webpage!
  • Contact Information:

    Jamie M. Dening

    e-mail:  jdening@remsencsd.org

    phone #: (315) 205-5304


    Group A: First day of in person instruction is Tuesday, September 8th. Group B, please log into your google classroom and accept your invitation. You will have an assignment posted in the classroom for the first two days of school. 

    Group B: First day of in person instruction is Thursday, September 10th.


    Mrs. Dening's Daily Schedule:

    Period 1: Math 8 

    Period 2: English 

    Period 3: Resource

    Period 4: Math 7

    Period 5: Resource

    Period 6: Lunch

    Period 7: Resource

    Period 8: Planning/Conferencing with students

    Period 9: Planning/Conferencing with students


    Please refer to Mrs. Carpenter's webpage for Math 7 & Math 8.