Welcome to the Mrs. Smith's Business Web Page!
Instructor: Mrs. Linda Smith
Room: Room 222
Phone: (315) 205-5222
Contact Email: lsmith@remsencsd.org
Welcome BackAt Home Students: Check your email before class for a zoom meeting. Click on the link and start the meeting around 10 minutes before class starts in case you need to load or install anything. I will set up something more permanent as we become more familiar with how our class needs to progress. I will check my email at the beginning of class to see if you have contacted me with issues.A Day students: See you in class.B Day students: Review the syllabus for your class using the links to the left. Be ready to discuss the syllabus in class when I see you on B day.Please select the courses listed on the left-hand side of this page to review the opportunities for Business Courses and the REMSEN Business CTE Programs.Parent Portal: The parent portal is available to parents to view student grades. If an assignment does not have a grade, it does not mean it is a zero.Ungraded assignments will have blanks for grades, if a student has not turned something in at the time of grading, it will show a zero (0) for the grade.Biography: After working as a computer programmer at a local insurance company for about 16 years, I decided to pursue a career in teaching. I have been a business teacher since the fall of 2000 and have worked in that capacity at both local schools and BOCES. My certifications include Business & Distributive Education and Work-Based Learning Coordinator for Career Development.